Jessica D. Bicking, BA MA
Jessica D. Bicking, BA MA
Præ Doc
Jessica D. Bicking
Department of Philosophy
University of Vienna
Universitätsstraße 7 (NIG)
1010 Vienna
Room: D 0317 (NIG)
Phone: +43-1-4277-46072
Areas of Specialization
Philosophy of Mind, Phenomenology, Cognitive Science, Philosophical Psychology & Psychiatry, Philosophy of Science
My project explores the conditions of interdisciplinary research into (normative) mind-phenomena. Looking at work done on social cognition in individuals on the autism spectrum as a case of such an interdisciplinary effort, I am focusing especially on the potential that the application of phenomenological concepts may hold here.
Supervisors: Judith Martens, Hans Bernhard Schmid, Herwig Grimm
Past & Upcoming Talks
13-15.09.2022 // 7th CEESP Conference on Phenomenology and the Sciences: "The Objective and the Subjective: Applied Phenomenology and the Explanatory Gap", Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy.
06-09.03.2022 // International Conference: Naturalism and Its Challenges: "Mind the Gap: The Explanatory Gap and the Promise of Applying Phenomenology in the Cognitive Sciences", Iranian Institute of Philosophy, Tehran, Iran. (Online)
29.01.2020 // Workshop: Alterity, Community, and Morality (w. Dan Zahavi): "Empathy & Morality: Prior knowledge in 3rd-person-observation and 2nd-person-engagement accounts" (Comment w. Andrea Pace Gianotta), University of Graz, Austria.
13-15.05.2019 // 3rd EECP Workshop: “Measuring Empathy: Between Concept and Application”, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia.
25.03.2019 // Brainstorm #8: Interdisciplinary Panel Discussion:“Mental Challenges of the Homo Technologicus”, Vienna, Austria.
15.03.2019 // Workshop Phänomenologische Forschungen (w. Michela Summa): Comment on "Is Make-Believe Only Reproduction? Remarks On The Role Of Fiction In Shaping Our Sense Of Reality", University of Vienna, Austria
Research Groups
- Forschungskreis Phänomenologie
- Social Ontology and Philosophy of Social Sciences
- Phänomenologische Psychopathologie und Philosophie der Psychiatrie
2022S // Sara Ahmed's Engaged Phenomenology: Sexuality & Race as Orientations in Social and Institutional Spaces (BA Course), Dept. of Philosophy, University of Vienna
2021S // Self & Other in the Phenomenological Tradition (BA Course), Dept. of Philosophy, University of Vienna
2020W // Introduction to Academic Writing in Philosophy (BA Course), Dept. of Philosophy, University of Vienna
2020S // Introduction to Academic Writing in Philosophy (BA Course), Dept. of Philosophy, University of Vienna
Other Activities
Co-Founder & Organizer at UPsalon - The Underrepresented Philosopher's Salon (formerly IWAP)
Former Member (PhD) of the Steering Committee for the Vienna Doctoral School, Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
Former Former Representative for Non-Professorial Staff (Mittelbau) at the Faculty Council, Faculty for Philosophy and Education, University of Vienna