Sarah Espinosa, BA MA
Sarah Espinosa, BA MA
Præ Doc
Sarah Espinosa
Department of Philosophy
University of Vienna
Universitätsstraße 7 (NIG)
1010 Vienna
Room: C 0211 (NIG)
Phone: +43-1-4277-46073
Areas of Specialization
Environmental Philosophy, Climate Ethics, Philosophy of Science.
My field of research is Environmental Philosophy and Climate Ethics more broadly. My current work focuses particularly on resource rights, property theory, different conceptions of value regarding scarce resources, matters of social and environmental justice particularly in the global south, etc.
Supervisors: Angela Kallhoff, Herwig Grimm
Upcoming Talks
19. - 22.09.22 // 2022 HDCA Conference: "When not only strong sustainability but also strong degrowth is needed" - University of Antwerp.
Past Talks
07. - 10.09.22 // 2022 Congress of the European Society for Agriculture and Food Ethics (EurSafe): "On the forms of harm stemming from the instrumentalization of large-scale ecosystems" - University of Edinburgh.
25. - 27.10.2021 // Concurrent Crises and Sustainable Futures: Global Extractivisms and Alternatives (EXALT): "Isn't Exploitation bad enough? On the normative dimension of concepts relating to the use of non-human parties" - University of Helsinki (Online).
24. - 26.06.2021 // 2021 Congress of the European Society for Agriculture and Food Ethics (EurSafe): "More than Life-Sustaining Resources? On the Integrity Argument for Natural Resources" - University of Fribourg (Online).
24. - 25.06.2021 // Decolonising Degrowth Conference: From Sustainability to Climate Justice: "When not only strong sustainability but also strong degrowth is needed" - Durham University (Online)
26. - 28.05.2021 // Ethics in a Global Environment Conference: "A Right to Pollute or a Duty to Mitigate? On the basis of emissions trading and carbon markets" - University of Birmingham (Online).
25. - 26.10.2020 // GKA SOCIAL 2020 Conference: "Escasez y Propiedad: Hacia un Modelo Funcional de Conceptualización de la Propiedad" - University of Vienna (Online).
28.09 - 01.10.2020 // Vienna Anthropology days 2020 (VANDA): "Isn't Exploitation bad enough? On the normative dimension of concepts relating to the use of non-human parties" - University of Vienna (Online).
05.08.2020 // Roundtable on Development: "Alternativas y retos hacia un desarrollo ético que privilegie lo social, laboral y ambiental para la post pandemia" - Universidad Andina Simón Bolivar (Online).
30. - 02.07.2020 // 2020 HDCA Conference: "Towards Amartya Sen's understanding of Freedom and its link to the Capability Approach" - University of Auckland (Online).
30. - 02.07.2020 // 2020 HDCA Conference: "Properties before Goods' Property" - University of Auckland (Online).
16. - 17.06.2020 // Current Challenges of Environmental Philosophy International Scientific Conference: "A Right to Pollute or a Duty to Mitigate? On the basis of emissions trading and carbon markets" - University of Nitra (Held by correspondence).
23. - 24.03.2020 // Workshop on Practical and Meta-Ethics: "A Right to Pollute or a Duty to Mitigate? On the basis of emissions trading and carbon markets" - University of Vienna (Postponed).
12.10.2019 // Greentopia Conference: Ideas, Concepts and Institutional Proposals: "The Ghost of Property Future: Scarcity-oriented concepts" - University of Vienna.
Guest Lectures
03.06.22 // "Introduction to Ecofeminism" - Diplomatic Academy of Vienna.
26.03.2021 // Seminar to Nature and Climate Ethics: "What if we run out of air? How to protect what we need the most" - University of Vienna (Online).
19.03.2021 // Seminar to Nature and Climate Ethics: "John O'Neill, The Varieties of Intrinsic Value" - University of Vienna (Online).
Espinosa Flor, S.I. (2022). On the forms of harm stemming from the instrumentalization of large-scale ecosystems. In Bruce, D., Bruce, A. 2022. Transforming food systems: ethics, innovation and responsibility. Wageningen Academic Publishers. 109-114.
Espinosa-Flor, S.I. (2022). A right to pollute versus a duty to mitigate: On the basis of emissions trading and carbon markets. Climate Policy. 22:7, 950-960.
Espinosa Flor, S. I. (2021). More than life-sustaining resources – on the integrity argument for natural resources. In Schübel, H., Wallimann-Helmer, I. 2021. Justice and food security in a changing climate. Wageningen Academic Publishers. 416-426.
Editorial Piece: Espinosa Flor, S.I. (2017) BLACK SHELLS: A hidden treasure that has fostered mangrove recovery in Ecuador. Blue Forests Project.
Other Activities
Co-founder and Organizer at the Ecofeminism reading cycle at the University of Vienna.